Oil and Gas sector development Training (07 May to 09 May 2018)

2018-05-07 to 2018-05-09

Oil and Gas sector training was held on May 7 to 9, 2018 at NCS office, Yangon.

The trainer for this training is Mr. Vidar Ovesen is the consultant from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NORAD. MEITI-NCS and World Bank team members attended this training.

On the first day, the trainees learned about different characteristics between oil and gas and other sectors, step by step process of oil and gas sector. On the second day, the fiscal regime design and the revenue management of oil and gas sector, how to collect and manage the revenue, pros and cons were shared to the trainees. On the third day, the trainees also learned about challenges of revenue management from extractive sector and revenue management from extractive sector’s policies. The 3 days training was successfully ended.