Other Documents

EITI Standard 2019 The EITI Standard outlines the requirements applicable to countries implementing the EITI as well as the Articles of Association governing the EITI. The Standard consists of two chapters and 12 sections. The 2019 EITI Standard was launched on 18 June at the...
MEITI has published its first and second MEITI forestry reports in January 2019. The MSG held a launching event on 11th of July, 2019 in Yangon for raising awarnes on these reports.
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The overall objective of the Action Plan is to facilitate and support the development and strenthening of capacities of Multi-stakeholders Group (MSG) representatives, members of Mining Cadaster subcommittee and Beneficial Ownership Taskforce, Parlaiment Members, Government...
The overall objective of the Action Plan is to facilitate and support the development and strenthening of capacities of Multi-stakeholders Group (MSG) representatives, members of Mining Cadaster subcommittee and Beneficial Ownership Taskforce, Parlaiment Members, Government...
The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, under the economic and social reforms framework, has formed the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Leading Authority with the following persons. The Leading Authority is meant to ensure better management forthe...
Cooperation in the implementation of Myanmar Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative-MEITI process by the respective Union Ministries, Union Level Organizations and State or Regional Government Organizations sustainablyCooperation in the implementation of Myanmar Extractive...
The Union Government issued this notification (no.76/2018) for the purpose to cooperate the implementation of MEITI by the respective Union Ministries, Union Level Organizations and State and Regional Government Organizations.
In early 2015, a National MEITI Office within MOPF to support the implementation of EITI in Myanmar was established in the Fiscal Policy, Strategy and EITI team of the Ministry of Finance (now the Ministry of Planning and Finance). The MEITI Office, Budget Department (MOBD) is...
Press Statement Date: October 2, 2017 Yangon The two - year report on Myanmar Extractive I ndustries Transparency Initiative will be re leased by the end of March 2018 The report which covers two years of data for the Myanmar financial year of 2014 - 2015 to 2015 - 2016 on the...
