MSG Meeting Minutes

The Chair welcomed the MSG members, thanked them for coming to the meeting, and congratulated them on achieving EITI candidacy status. He encouraged all the members to continue to work together collaboratively to achieve EITI compliant status, even though there may be...
The Chair, Dr. Maung Maung Thein, welcomed the MSG members and outlined the aims and objectives of the meeting. He highlighted the significant progress made so far on the development of the MSG Terms of Reference (TOR) and the Workplan, and informed members that work is underway...
To present, discuss and agree the draft MSG TOR and Workplan that had been produced during the first and second MSG Sub-Committee Meetings held on the 14th and 28th February, 2014. The meeting was opened by the MEITI-MSG Chair, Dr. Maung Maung Thein and Myanmar EITI National...
Minutes of First Multi-Stakeholder Meeting (MSG) Meeting Held at MICC on Saturday 8th February 2014 from 09.30-13.30 The first meeting of Myanmar EITI’s multi-stakeholder group was held on Saturday 8th February 2014 at Myanmar International Convention Centre in Naypyidaw. The...
